How to increase potency at home

Sexual activity is very important for every man. Therefore, many people want to know how to increase potency at home and, if possible, quickly do it with effective folk remedies.

Potency governs a man's physiological health, mental stability, resistance to stress, and many other factors in life. As soon as the sexual function begins to weaken, the man turns into a depressed, unsuccessful and insecure person.

What affects the potency

This problem can appear suddenly at any age, depending on many reasons, such as:

  • regular stress, nervous breakdowns, fears, overexertion;
  • prolonged sexual abstinence;
  • taking medications;
  • sedentary work, respectively, stagnation of blood in the pelvis;
  • mental disorders - sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy;
  • the presence of bad habits;
  • age - after 40 years, the male body produces less and less testosterone, due to which potency weakens;
  • overweight;
  • sleep disorders;
  • overwork.

How to increase potency at home by yourself

Not all representatives of the stronger sex decide to go to the doctor to solve intimate problems. But fortunately, you can solve problems of a sexual nature at home.

Most men want to quickly increase potency at home and resort to drugs that cause an erection, but this is fundamentally wrong. The problem is not solved by taking Viagra tablets, but is alleviated by a temporary effect.

These drugs do not harm the body physically, but affect a man's subconscious in the following way: in the future, full-fledged sexual intercourse is unlikely to be successful if you do not take pills, and this is on a subconscious level, men develop the fear that without Viagra he will not be able to satisfy his partner, therefore the problem is not treated, but hidden.

Painful treatments, expensive drugs to improve potency are no longer needed. In most cases, the problem is solved by completely different means, quite accessible to every man.

Proper nutrition to increase male potency

It is no secret to anyone that rational and proper nutrition is the key to the normal functioning of the prostate gland and, consequently, to men's health in general.

man prepares vegetable salad to increase potency

To increase the potency of a man at home, it is necessary to add the following foods to the diet:

  • All groups of vitamins play an important role in overcoming the disease (vitamin A is responsible for reproductive function, vitamin D is a necessary participant in the process of maturation of spermatozoa, vitamin C provides the blood supply to the genitals).
  • Mandatory inclusion in the diet of seafood. Such products contain the main building components involved in the harmonious functioning of glandular cells: selenium and zinc. Thanks to these components, the synthesis of testosterone is stabilized. Therefore, it is especially important to eat fish of fatty and always sea species.
  • Any kind of nuts, and separately the conversation will go for almonds, walnuts and pistachios, is useful to use due to the arginine component, which has a great effect on potency. The inclusion of this amino acid in the diet helps improve blood flow in the body and its organs, respectively, and increase potency.
  • Green Doctor: Parsley is so necessary for men, because it restores hormonal balance in the body and promotes the production of the male hormone testosterone. It blocks the synthesis of female hormones, which is so important for improving potency. The use of parsley is the prevention of prostatitis.
  • Another assistant to men's health is everyone's favorite garlic and onions. These products contain a lot of selenium, especially since they have bactericidal properties, which, in turn, help the active work of the prostate gland.
  • Dark chocolate, at least 65%, should be consumed by men to improve mood. And the right positive attitude forms a healthy male body reaction to intimacy.
  • Using honey also increases potency. And in combination with nuts, the most valuable mixture for feeding the prostate is obtained.

Physical exercises to increase power at home

There are some types of workouts that involve the pubococcygeus muscle. It is this muscle that plays the main physical role in the appearance of an erection, and as a result, poor muscle development leads to a decrease in sexual function and weakness of the erection.

There is a series of exercises with which an impressive result is achieved.

  1. Keep the stone. The essence of the exercise is that standing upright, hands on the belt, knees slightly bent, it is necessary to straighten the legs and try to squeeze and stretch the gluteal muscles. But you cannot straighten your legs all the way, because in the representation between the legs you should have a stone that you cannot drop.
  2. Parade steps. In a standing position, with the hands down, it is necessary to raise each leg to the maximum so that the knees touch the stomach.
  3. Bridge. A well-known exercise in school in the supine position, you have to bend the pelvis, straightening elbows and knees.
  4. Cycling. Supine, arms along the body, swing the legs, depicting a bicycle. Experiment with driving, then slow down and vice versa by increasing your speed.
  5. Pelvic rotation. Standing in the position of the feet shoulder-width apart, rotate the pelvis around its own axis.

We also recommend paying attention to Kegel exercises for male potency, which today is one of the best and most effective of its kind.

To improve general well-being and strengthen immunity, it is useful for a man to visit a bath, swimming pool and massage sessions. There are ways to quickly increase potency. For example, before an appointment, you can take a warm, relaxing bath for 40-50 minutes.

We increase male potency with psychological support

Experts in the field of male problems have shown that mental disorders largely affect the decrease in sexual function, which leads to a disease such as psychogenic impotence. These can be any factor: problems at work, tiredness of one's thoughts and experiences that accumulate in the head and settle on health.

It is very important to talk about your problems, not to hide your feelings from your partner. A woman she loves won't step aside and will always find a way to support her man.

Fortunately, most often the problem is solved after a truthful conversation with a partner. Although men believe that it is the woman who should be the last to talk about their problems, this delusion ultimately leads to an even greater increase in negativity and the formation of distrust among loved ones.

Therefore, you can increase the potency at home simply by discussing the problem with your partner.

Folk remedies to improve potency

In addition to various exercises and proper nutrition, there are folk remedies that increase potency at home, which we will talk about below. These include cocktails, tinctures, teas, etc.

A unique cocktail, the positive effect of which many men have noticed, is sour cream + beer. Such a high-calorie drink contributes to a surge of strength and vigor, this cocktail is sometimes compared to the action of Viagra.

Attention: it is necessary to observe the sense of proportion, because the desired result can only be obtained through rational use, or in case of excessive use, obesity and many other negative manifestations can occur. Also, after taking 2-3 liters of such a drink, you can have prostate dysfunction.

Beer for a cocktail should be bought only fresh (bottled for no more than two weeks) and of high quality. Use sour cream only for fatty varieties. There is no special system for preparing a drink, each one requires its own proportion.

If you drink other alcohol than beer with sour cream, further damage will be done to potency, which will negatively affect sexual function.

The medicinal plant peppermint has a direct effect on the quality of erectile function. However, the herb also has a calming effect, which blocks arousal. But menthol still helps get rid of sexual weakness, when used correctly and for a certain period of time.

Remember that menthol chewing gums, cigarettes, teas and other products do not contain natural mint, so they do not affect potency, but have a detrimental effect on other organ systems.

Tinctures to increase potency at home

Tinctures are considered a folk remedy for increasing potency and improving the functioning of the male sexual sphere. Tinctures can be prepared at home and their use requires systematic and regularity to achieve the result.

The basis for any tincture is alcohol or vodka, as well as the components (herbs, berries, fruits). For potency, tinctures are prepared with the inclusion of ginger root, ginseng, nettle and hawthorn. The advantage of tinctures is their low cost and ease of preparation.

The disadvantages of using tinctures include the fact that the therapeutic result of tinctures is exclusively additional and does not have such a significant effect as a drug. Also, taking tinctures excludes driving a car. The use of alcohol, which is the basis of the tincture, while driving is prohibited by law.

Here are some recipes for tinctures to increase potency at home:

  1. Nettle tincture: Add nettle seeds to boiling wine and boil the mixture for no more than 5 minutes. After that, you should infuse the mixture for half an hour, drink 50 ml of tincture before going to bed.
  2. Ginseng tincture: Mostly ready-made ginseng tincture is sold in pharmacies, because it is not easy to find ginseng root for sale. Take 30 drops in the morning and in the afternoon.
  3. John's wort tincture: insist with 2 tbsp. L. grass for about an hour. Drink during the day, a glass of 200 g. drank 3 times.
  4. Horse chestnut tincture: grind dry grains 50 g, pour 50% alcohol. Infused for 2 weeks, taking 30 drops three times a day.
  5. Galangal tincture: leave an infusion of 30 g of root and 500 ml of vodka for about 3 weeks. Take 30 drops, diluted with water.

Tea to increase potency: advantages and disadvantages

All teas have useful potency properties to some extent. Green tea extract contains zinc, which stimulates the synthesis of the male hormone. Tea has a beneficial effect on general health, strengthens the nervous system and immunity, removes toxins, tones blood vessels, helps strengthen the heart system. All of this is important for the health of the prostate gland and for its proper nutrition.

The tea must be drunk freshly prepared, otherwise the drink produces a lot of purine and caffeine, which negatively affect the body. Purine promotes the accumulation of urea in the body. Also, the stronger the tea, the worse the sleep, which leads to irritability and sexual dysfunction. Do not brew tea in metal or plastic containers.

Be careful when buying potent teas from a Chinese manufacturer. Familiarize yourself with the composition of such teas and the possibility of side effects from their use.

We offer several simple tea recipes to improve potency:

  1. Ivan tea is brewed by infusing dried leaves of the plant in boiling water for 5 minutes. It is taken 2 or 3 times a day.
  2. Monastic tea is used to prevent prostate gland diseases. It is prepared like this: a collection of herbs of oregano, St. John's wort, elecampane root, black tea and rose hips is poured with a liter of boiling water and insisted on a small fire for 20 minutes.
  3. Ginger tea. Chopped ginger no more than 1 tsp is poured with boiling water for 10 minutes.

It should be remembered that, despite the mild medicinal effect of herbal teas, decoctions and tinctures, many of them may contain substances that a man's body cannot tolerate. Therefore, if the use of herbal medicine gets sick or a rash appears, the reception should be canceled.

The basis of the fight against erectile dysfunction are the following rules:

  • regularity in sexual life;
  • healthy sleep and rhythm of life;
  • appropriate nutrition;
  • sports;
  • timely treatment and disease prevention;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • struggle with extra pounds, if any.

We looked at how to increase the potency of folk remedies at home. Now you just need to apply the above methods.